
The past few weeks I’ve been working full time as an IT director. This work has taken a significant amount of time away from my blogging. This work has also taken a significant time away from my kids. As I started thinking about this tonight I started to realize why I have my blog and why it’s so important that I keep my dream alive.

Here lately all of the motivational sales articles and audiobooks I’ve been reading have a big focus on “finding your why”. Start With Why is one of the first audiobooks I listened to last year. I don’t think I was ready to figure out my “why” for my blog when I listened to that book. I struggled with coming up with a reason for my blog so I stopped writing for a while.

This spring and summer I started writing again and really having fun with it. This summer I finally figured out my “why” for my blog. Working full time has just reinforced this “why” and made it that much more important to me.

momelite kids

So what is my why? My why, as obvious as it may be, is my kids. My kids are my world and I cherish every moment I can spend playing with them. My dream job would be a job where I could get paid to play with my kids all day. My ultimate goal is to have my blog be that dream job. I want to be able to take them places they love to go and write about it. Explore new exciting places and write about it. I want to share our stories with my readers, the good and the bad. And to go a step further I want to give other moms the chance to do the same thing! How much fun would it be to have a team of moms with different opinions, hobbies and personalities to write with me and share in our excitement?

momelite and daughter

For right now, I’m taking things one step at a time with my “why”. I want to live a fun, healthy and active life with my family. The healthy and active part is why I am a Beachbody coach. Being a Beachbody coach allows me to take my why a step further and not only live a healthy and active lifestyle for myself, but also to inspire and help my friends, family and readers to get active and healthy. My dream with Beachbody is to build my team and start a free Fit Club where my friends, family and community can join me in working out together on the weekends. I really want to make a difference in the lives around me.

So why am I writing all of this? I’m writing all of this to give my readers a little insight to me. I want to get more personal and let everyone get to know me. I’m also writing this for accountability. Accountability is becoming a huge thing for me. If I put this out there for everyone to see, by God I’m determined I’m going to make these things happen.

I want to hear from you all now! What are your “whys”? What drives you to do what love? What are your ultimate goals? I can’t wait to hear your responses!

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  1. I guess my “why” for blogging is that I process my thoughts through writing. I also want to cause people to think about life and to spend more quality time with their children.

  2. I agree, if I could write my blog, have it be a full-time income and write about my experiences as a parent and life with my kids, it would be a dream come true! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Aww! This was such a beautiful post.
    It looks like you’ve been having glorious weather!

  4. Always having to find a balance, but there always has to be some “me” time, doing something you love.

  5. I am totally with you: my why is my family. I started my little blog to attempt to generate some sort of income, but it is tough trying to freelance/get sponsors! I LOVE beach body by the way. How did you become a coach?

    1. A very dear friend of mine who is a Beachbody coach asked me to take a T25 challenge. I fell in love with it and decided I wanted to become a coach as well. If you are interested in learning about coaching now is actually a perfect time. My team is hosting a free 5 day sneak peek into coaching this week. You are welcome to join in and check it out!

  6. What a very sweet and honest post. You honestly made me reflect on not just my purpose for blogging but my purpose while I’m here. The way you feel about being a mom is how I feel about teaching. I love my job! It’s my passion. Sometimes I can’t believe I get paid for it- I could do it for free (If my mortgage was paid off). LOL.

    1. You can really tell the teachers that love their jobs! Teachers certainly don’t do their jobs for the money! I’ve always believed teachers should be paid far more for their work. That’s why I always make it a point to have a good relationship with my children’s teachers and help them out in any way I can. Bravo to you for following your passion and loving what you do! I’m sure your love for teaching shows!

  7. My why is similar to yours. And so is how I realized it. I became a single mom in 2011 and had to return to working fulltime for the first time since my son had been born. I HATED it! It made me depressed having to leave him for so long each day and have someone else raise him for me. So after 6 months, I decided that I no longer wanted to live like that. I wouldn’t allow my circumstances to dictate my life. I would be a WAHM, come hell or high water. I have been working from home fulltime for over 2 years now. My son will be 4 in October, and he has never set foot in a daycare and I plan to keep it that way! Thank you for your sharing your why with us. It is a reminder to us that we should focus on what really drives us each day.

    1. That’s fantastic that you have been able to focus enough to be able to be a wahm! It’s not always easy, but it can be done!

  8. I can totally relate how life and work can get in the way of blogging. I stopped blogging for about 3-4 months because of nursing school. I kept thinking I need to go back and write but I could never find the time. I am hoping to at least write once a week once school starts but we will see if that actually happens.

  9. LOVE 🙂 I am thrilled to hear that your kids motivate you, they should! You want to be a positive influence and it definitely seems like you are.

    My driving force – my WHY… My family! I want to make them proud of me. My other WHY is… ME! I am a very determined person, and I will get what I want 🙂

  10. I do what I love for the ME time. We all need that ME time.

  11. I do it because I simply enjoy doing it, nothing more to it.

  12. I do it because it’s an outlet for me. And I want to let other moms know they are not alone in their struggles. But I’m also a stay-at-home mom training for my 3rd marathon. So I’m learning how to balance it all.

  13. I used to feel kind of selfish searching for my “why” while raising a family, trying to maintain a home, and being the kind of person I feel that I should be in life but I’m finding more and more that it’s really important for each of us to have a purpose and meaning in life. 🙂

  14. I don’t know how you moms do it! I’m single, working and trying to keep all the balls in the air and I’m pooped. I have to get in better shape! I could do more then.

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