Lifestyle Parenting

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Baby Registry

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Baby Registry
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Baby Registry

Creating a baby registry is a ritual for first time expectant parents (and second and third time, too). Making a list of baby items can be fun, but it’s also overwhelming. There are some common mistakes to avoid when creating a baby registry. Being mindful about these pitfalls will take some of the stress—but not the fun—out of creating a registry wish list.

Asking for Too Many of the Same Thing

Babies can only use one bottle, pacifier, or bib at a time. Asking for too many of the same types of these items will only clutter your cabinets. Babies demonstrate preferences for some types of these items over others, so asking for one small set of a few different types will allow you to try out different brands to see which work best for your infant.

Being Shy About Pricey Items

There are competing schools of thought about whether to put the big-ticket items on your baby registry. Cribs, strollers, and rockers are must-haves, so go ahead and put them on the registry. Be aware, however, that parents who have their hearts set on a particular brand, style, or color may set themselves up for disappointment. Expectant parents should examine just how badly they want a specific pricey item and how confident they are that family, friends, or work colleagues will pool their resources to buy it for them.

Neglecting the Necessities

There’s nothing particularly exciting about infant thermometers, burp cloths, hooded towels, and diaper rash cream. But a baby bag packed with necessities like diapers, wipes, and an infant medical kit will turn out to be one of the best gifts new parents receive.

Forgetting How Fast Infants Grow

A new baby will outgrow their onesies in just a few months. Look at the calendar, and estimate what sizes—and seasons—of clothing you’ll need for your baby. Remember that pediatricians advise parents to put a baby to sleep on its back, on a firm crib mattress, with no soft items like crib bumpers, plush toys, pillows, or even blankets in the crib. Soft items heighten the risk of SIDS, so don’t ask for those items. Instead, list a few infant pouches, sleep sacks, and fitted crib sheets. Save the other things for the baby’s first birthday.

Not Realizing You Can List Things for Yourself

A common mistake to avoid when creating a baby registry is failing to list items for self-care. Parenting involves self-sacrifice, but if parents don’t attend to their own wellness, they can’t provide the best care for their baby. Don’t be shy about listing gift cards, meal plan subscriptions, nipple creams for nursing moms, and coupons for yoga classes on your registry. A soft nightshirt, comfortable sweatpants, and non-skid slippers will come in handy at the hospital and when the baby comes home.

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