Motherhood is filled with milestones, and they’re not all about the kids. The pages of baby books and photo albums don’t always acknowledge the changes a mother goes through while raising children from birth to adulthood. Recognizing these top motherhood milestone days and learning to cherish these changes as opportunities to recreate oneself as a woman and a mother are important aspects of a satisfying and happy life. That Day You Feel Like Yourself Again Maybe it’s that glorious night when you finally get a full night of sleep. It could be the day you go back to the salon…
A large amount of the stress that comes with taking care of a newborn—or even children several years old—stems from all of the things in the immediate environment that is safe for adults but dangerous for children. Or, in some cases, it’s things that are dangerous for adults—like sticking your finger in an outlet—that young kids are more likely to do that as opposed to your husband or older brother. This probably seems like scary stuff, but don’t worry—after looking through these helpful ways to keep children safe at home, you should feel much more at ease. Invest in Outlet…
There are a lot of challenges that can come with working from home, as is the case for many people currently living through the quarantine. Avoiding distractions, balancing your work and home life, finding your most productive times to work. These are all real issues. However, there’s one that goes a little under-discussed and that is boredom. Here, we’re going to look at how boredom affects your work and what you can do about it. Pic – Pixabay License Make better use of your time One of the reasons that you might be getting bored is that you’re spending too…
Starting a family is a fun and exciting time for anyone, but with it comes plenty to prepare before the little one arrives. From preparing the child’s room to trading in that sports car for the perfect family vehicle, these are all aspects that need to be considered to ensure you are ready for the new arrival to the family. To help you prepare, we have provided you with some simple elements you may need to consider when starting a family. Consider The Type Of Car You Need You are looking to start a family. That is amazing, but what…
Being a new mom for most is a scary experience as well as an exciting one. It’s hard not to worry about what your little one doesn’t or does do. Photo by Pixabay from Pexels Below are five of the things you don’t need to worry about as a new mom: Lot’s Of Crying Yes, constant crying is going to alarm you, however, it’s important to remember that some degree of crying is absolutely normal for babies. It’s the only form of communication that they have with their parents. They cry for exactly the same reasons as an adult or…