As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases You read that right! My big New Year’s Resolution is to become a better runner. I …
New Year’s Resolution – Become a Better Runner

Resource for travel, meditation, yoga and fitness tips
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases You read that right! My big New Year’s Resolution is to become a better runner. I …
My family and I decided to make a trip down to Florida for Christmas this year to visit with family. We have just spent our …
This is my first year a room parent chair. My first major responsibility of the year happened today, the class Christmas party. I’ve gotta say …
My family recently took a trip to Folly Beach, SC. Folly Beach is by far one of our favorite vacation spots. It’s small and not …
While some people associate summer with the beach, others associate summer with the mountains. If you want a great mountain get away, Asheville, NC is …