• Healthy Living

    Short on Time Challenge

    What is your biggest excuse for not working out? I don’t know about you, but my excuse USED to be that I didn’t have enough time. I had a gym membership. But between having two very busy kids, running 3 businesses and trying to maintain a sane family life a home I just couldn’t find the time I go to the gym. Not to mention the few days that I did actually get to go I would go in there and kind of blindly try to figure out what to do. I had no focus whatsoever. That all changed back…

  • Healthy Living

    T25 Final Results: Nailed it!

    I’m officially done with T25 (at least round 1 of T25)!! This program has been a game changer for me in so many ways. When I started T25 I thought I was in decent shape. I would run a couple of days a week and occasionally go to the gym. I started my first day of T25 with cardio and busted through it. I really thought I nailed it (and I did). But the next few days nailed me. I struggled through the rest of that weeks workouts with extremely sore legs. Rest day and the stretch workout saved my aching…

  • Healthy Living

    Are You Ready to Get Sculpted with PiYo?

    Get an ultra lean and intensely defined physique without bulking up or straining your joints. Introducing PiYo, a high-intensity, low-impact workout for a new kind of STRONG. Chalene Johnson took the very best Pilates- and yoga-inspired moves and cranked up the speed to give you full-throttle cardio, strength, and flexibility training—all at once. PiYo packs it ALL into each workout so you can build lean muscle mass—as you’re burning crazy calories. Now you can carve every inch of your body. How? You’ll use your body weight to perform a series of continuous, targeted moves, to burn fat as you redefine…

  • Healthy Living

    How I’m Surviving Allergy Season

      Allergy season in East Tennessee can be brutal. It’s this time of year that people walk around with watery itchy eyes, runny red noses and sore scratchy throats. I’ve experienced all three of these things this week. While some people’s allergy symptoms are lasting weeks or months mine have only lasted a few days. So do you want to know how I’ve beat my seasonal allergies? I’ll give you one hint. The allergy medication didn’t work. Essential oils have saved me this allergy season. I have used 3 different essential oils this allergy season that have made a world…

  • Healthy Living

    Workout Challenge Week 2

    I recently started a 90 day workout challenge through Beachbody. I’m only in my second week and I can already see a huge difference in my energy level and strength. The program I am using is T25. Shaun T in my living room 25 minutes a day. The workout is pretty hard core and I have a love hate relationship with Shaun T. There have been times during my workouts that I have cussed him and flipped him off. But when the workout is over and I’m feeling great I’m thankful that he kept pushing me. After my first week of…