Healthy Living Lifestyle

BODYARMOR’s Taste Quenches Your Thirst, Goes Down Easy

Disclosure: I received BODYARMOR at no cost for the purpose of this review thanks to Bloggin’ Mamas. All opinions are 100% my own (well actually my husband’s).

Happy Fourth of July 2016! Cyndi asked me to help review BODYARMOR sports drinks because of my top quality writing skills and detailed acumen. Actually, the real reason is because I keep drinking all of the BODYARMOR myself and she hasn’t had any to review, but we’ll go with the former. BODYARMOR is a sports drink with an emphasis on hydration. Being a pretty active person, I like to rehydrate after I work out. I know working out burns a lot of calories and costs your body a lot of hydration in the form of sweat.


When I’m running or doing the Biggest Loser 30 Minute Workout at Planet Fitness, I sweat like crazy. I’ve been on a coconut water kick here lately since I got back from California and we did our Fire Puja, so I’m digging the fact that they add coconut water to the BODYARMOR. The flavors seem about what you’d expect, except maybe with a more “tropical” flair. My favorite has been the Lemon Lime.

Compared to Gatorade, BODYARMOR is a lot smoother. I’m a fast drinker (of anything) and I generally chug beverages I consume. I’m utilitarian with my reason, I don’t really expect to enjoy a sports drink. I’m drinking it to rehydrate and get some energy back after I’ve worked out. With as hot of a summer as we’re having in 2016, it’s super important to keep drinking your 8 glasses of water throughout the day, but water is so boring.


So we’ve been trying the BODYARMOR. It goes down really smooth when I chug it after a workout, which makes it easy to move on to the next thing in my day. I like that they add vitamins like Vitamin B6 and B12, stuff you lose during workouts. It’s gluten free, but that doesn’t really affect me. I’m not sure if it is the added electrolytes (I think of Idiocracy the movie here) or the coconut water, but I like the post drink feels. My only qualm is the sugar

My only qualm is the sugar content. With the news on sugar causing serious health problems, 18g of sugar per serving (and there are two servings per bottle) might be a little much for me. I’m trying to go low carb and low sugar and this drink has a bit more sugar than I usually prefer. Perhaps they’ll come out with a lower sugar option that has all the same benefits.


As a new product, I figured only the bigger markets would have the drink, but I was surprised to see my local Kroger and Target both carry BODYARMOR. I could see myself working it into my post workout routine because it tastes good and goes down quick after a workout. It is a very efficient drink, because I get a lot of benefit from one beverage. I get hydrated, I get vitamins, and I get electrolytes to help my body recharge. Overall a very good product I recommend anyone who works out regularly and sweats. Until next time, thank you for reading my review of BODYARMOR. Want to try BODYARMOR? Here is a coupon for .50 off!

Disclosure: I received BODYARMOR at no cost for the purpose of this review thanks to Bloggin’ Mamas. All opinions are 100% my own (well actually my husband’s).

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