best tips for snow tubing with kids in the winter
best tips for snow tubing with kids in the winter

Snow tubing is a quick and easy way to keep your kids more active during winter. Unlike most other winter sports, snow tubing calls for no special gear or skills.

But it’s not fun right off the bat with these.

There are things to keep in mind when snow tubing with kids.

Choose the Right Park for Your Kids

Most parks and ski areas with tubing lanes require kids to be at least 5 years of age. And most of them stick with 42 inches being the minimal allowed height for all children. These conditions, however, aren’t set in stone and vary depending on location. It pays to check them before any reservations.

Furthermore, areas for snow tubing differ in terms of how you get back on the hill. Some locations provide a handle tow, or a conveyor lift that allow for an easier climb back uphill. Other tubing lanes may have no such options. The type you pick depends on how much you want your kids to exercise.

Book Your Snow Tubing Sessions in Advance

Once you decide on where to go snow tubing with kids, waste no time and book. The moment winter season begins, everyone and their brother will want to have fun snow tubing. And it won’t take long before they overwhelm all the sweetest locations for snow tubing with kids in your area.

Booking snow tubing sessions in advance also lets you have fun with kids on your schedule. You won’t have to rush and cater to the only available reservations. Instead, you’ll be able to prepare for the fun beforehand and spend a lot more quality time with your kids.

Pick the Clothes that Fit the Occasion

Wearing a decent set of waterproof winter clothes is a must for both you and your kids when snow tubing. Otherwise, you risk exposing yourself and your kids to the streams of cold air as you slide down the hill. Wind chill can lead to hypothermia, frostbites, and even more serious conditions.

Have a Change of Clothes at Hand

Most kids love snow tubing and move a lot in the process. And by the time they’re done, they’re usually all covered in sweat. This makes them even more vulnerable to cold temperatures and wind chill. The best way to avoid this is to change your kids into dry clothes right after snow tubing.

Get Your Kids to Wear Protective Gear

Snow tubing isn’t inherently safe for anyone, let alone children. Concussions, neck traumas, and even impact damage to internal organs. All of these are perfectly possible outcomes of snow tubing. If one approaches it with a reckless attitude, of course.

Make use of at least basic protective gear, like helmets, to keep yourself and your kids safe when snow tubing. If anything went wrong, protective gear worn at the right moment would safeguard you and your kids from an injury.

Watch After Your Kids and Their Surroundings

Most injuries during snow tubing take place because of recklessness. While you have no control over what others are doing, you’re well in charge of your own responses. And it pays to practice utmost awareness when snow tubing with kids.

Discuss key safety rules with your kids and agree on a safe meeting spot after sliding. Don’t lose track of what your kids are doing and watch for what others are after. Seeing the danger a few seconds earlier can help get yourself and your kids out of harm’s way.

Schedule All Snow Tubing for the Daytime

Snow tubing during daytime is both safer and more fun. The risk of accidents and injuries is much higher in the evenings due to inferior visibility. And your kids may also get tired from the day before you make it to tubing lanes. Late mornings and afternoons work the best.

Don’t Book a Lengthy Snow Tubing Session

It’s easy to overestimate how much time you’ll actually spend snow tubing. Even though it’s a lot of fun, snow tubing is still a physical activity. And your kids may become tired after only a few goes down the lane. Keeping your expectations in check holds key to avoiding this common frustration.

Make Snow Tubing with Kids Safer and More Fun

Simply put, the tips in our guide boil down to common sense. Use it and you’ll make snow tubing with your kids safer and more fun. And your kids will have no shortage of pleasant memories about this amazing winter pastime.

best tips for snow tubing with kids

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  1. These are some great tips for tubing and sledding! When my kids were little my daughter made the news of an example of how not to tube down a mountain. We’ve teased her about it every since. I think that it’s smart to be aware of safe ways to participate in the sport.

  2. I need to take my kids snow tubing! This looks like a blast!

  3. Snow tubing is on my bucket list to do with my kids. Glad to have read what we need before going.

  4. I was looking into snow boarding/skiing for this winter. We have a big family though, and when I was looking into it I finally stopped calculating what it would cost for a day trip at $500 bucks, lol! Maybe I’ll look into tubing to see if it would be more affordable for us.

  5. Here, in Central Texas, there’s nowhere for us to go tubing, but this is great advice if we decide to take a family ski trip this year.

  6. I loved doing this with my kids that are now grown. Thanks for Sharing

  7. It used to snow where I live a lot more than it does now and we would go tubing all the time and it’s SO fun and we’d bundle up like crazy to keep warm!

  8. Ahhhhh, this sounds like so much fun! And… somewhat scary. I have wanted to take my girls for some time now, looks like this might be the year.

  9. We live in GA, in other words, no snow! But there’s a snow attraction not to far away with tubing, sledding, and more snow activities that we can’t wait to visit. These tips will definitely come in handy!

  10. We are new to the North and tubing looks like so much fun!

  11. I totally forgot you can tube on snow! Living in the desert has erased this from my memory! We just bought land somewhere that it snows and it just snowed over 2 feet! We took our kids and were saying that it would’ve been a lot more fun if we had tubes..then I read this! Thanks for all the tips!

  12. I will ski but snow tubing scares me. Thanks for sharing these tips!

  13. Thanks for the tips, We have a trip to the mountains soon and don’t know much about this so this was so needed

  14. What a fun winter activity. I definitely want to take my kids as they get older.

  15. I love snow tubing and look forward to taking my kids

  16. I’ve always been put off by winter sports because of the cold but this looks like heaps of fun and it’s great you can do it with your family. I must remember that I can wear warm clothes and then it won’t sound that bad haha!

  17. Your post reminded me of the times when I was a child and went sledging almost every day on the hill near my house in winter, when there was snow. It was so much fun!

  18. So important to stay safe while having fun!

  19. These are great tips. Thanks for the info.

  20. we did this a couple of times when the kids were younger at Reno.. and this post brought back the fun memories. definitely worth it

  21. thanks for sharing this & definitely useful for the parents with kids for winter travel. Love all the captures shared here
    cheers, siennylovesdrawing

  22. I love all of these tips! As a family that goes snow tubing often I agre with all of your tips here.

  23. Good to read these tips, though I don’t have a kid yet, education comes first though. 🙂

  24. I’ve not heard of Snow Tubin before. It sounds fun. If only we have snow in Scotland!!

  25. Snow tubing is a Great activity for Winter vacation , one of the Favourite Winter game for my Kid, Thank you for wonderful Tips

  26. This is best guide and for snow tubing with kids. A great game to spend the good time with kids. thank you for sharing this great ideas of snow tubing.

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