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Babies 101: Caregiver Advice New Parents Should Know

Babies 101: Caregiver Advice New Parents Should Know

Parenthood is no easy journey. With all the ups and downs, it’s common for moms and dads to question whether they’re doing it right. A bit of guidance from seasoned parents helps you understand parenthood as you take on this important role in life. Below, we’ve noted some top caregiver advice new parents should know.

Create a Routine

Children thrive on routine, especially during infancy. Strive to establish a schedule for naps, feedings, playtime, and bedtime. By doing these activities at designated times rather than on a whim, your infant knows what to expect.

Routines are crucial at night and can help your little one feel more relaxed before bed. For instance, many parents bathe their babies in the evening, since this allows for some playtime to tucker them out. After dressing their baby in cozy pj’s, it’s time for the parents to read them a story and then place the infant in the crib.

Get Rid of Germs

Babies don’t have strong immune systems yet, so they’re at higher risk of catching common illnesses such as the flu or a cold. The likelihood of this typically increases if you put your kiddo in daycare.

To limit sickness, strive to wash your and your infant’s hands when you get home after a day running around town. Additionally, wipe down their toys each morning or night to lessen the build-up of germs.

Avoid Toxic Materials

Steer clear of pacifiers, teethers, or toys made with toxic materials. Chemicals such as phthalates, BPA, or cadmium are hazardous but common in older teethers. Understanding the importance of purchasing non-toxic baby teethers and binkies protects your baby.

Most parents and experts agree that silicon is ideal for anything designed to go into your infant’s mouth. Unlike rubber, silicon is hypoallergenic and antibacterial.

Ask for Help

As the saying goes, it takes a village, so there’s no shame in asking your parents or friends for assistance. Parenthood is exciting, but we eventually hit that brick wall of exhaustion. You still need personal time to decompress.

Work with your partner to establish periods when each of you can get alone time while the other cares for the baby. Also, ask close friends or relatives to babysit once and a while so you two can get a date night.

You’re Doing Great

The most important piece of advice new parents need to know is that you’re an amazing caregiver! Having a child relying on you to meet all their needs is a lot of pressure, but we’re confident in your ability to care exceptionally well for your newborn. So take a deep breath and remember that no parent is perfect. We’re all learning, and we all make mistakes along the way. What matters is your effort and the unconditional love you show your child.

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