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Are You in Recovery? 4 Healthy Distractions To Practice

It’s hard to be in recovery. You may feel like you’re constantly fighting cravings and that it is impossible to stay away from drugs or alcohol. It can also be challenging to find healthy distractions when your old habits call out for attention. Luckily, there are a few ways that you can engage in healthier activities without triggering any addictive behaviors.

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Watching an Inspiring Movie, Show, or Videos

This healthy distraction is excellent for people in recovery, as it can help them take their minds off of the addiction they are trying to break from. Watch a movie or show with an inspiring message that may remind you why you want to stay clean and sober. You can also watch videos on YouTube that will inspire you with positive messages about sobriety.

Many inspiring videos on YouTube can remind you why you want to stay clean and sober. Watching inspirational videos can also help to improve your mental health and well-being. In addition, watching movies that focus on addiction may also help people who are struggling with addiction. For example, watching “The Drunks” can help you see the cycle of an addict’s life and how it impacts their family members.

It is important to remember that there are many different kinds of recovery stories, and not everyone needs a movie or show about addiction to stay motivated. 


Meditation is a simple technique that you can practice at home. It provides various benefits, such as reducing stress and improving concentration skills.

Meditation also improves your physical health by lowering blood pressure and increasing the production of white blood cells.   People who meditate regularly have an easier time recovering from surgery or other traumatic events because they experience less pain than people who don’t practice meditation. 

For people in recovery in inpatient rehab, meditation is a great way to reduce the stress of therapy, medication, and anxiety.

You can also practice meditation in as little as 15 minutes per day over periods of weeks or months. The best time to meditate is during the early morning hours before going about your daily routine because this allows for more relaxation from the busyness of life. Once you have found what works for your lifestyle and schedule, it should become easier to practice mindfulness daily!

Walk in Nature

Nature has a way of slowing you down and opening your eyes to the small things. It also connects you with natural rhythms and cycles that can soothe your emotions. So if you’re feeling restless or tempted, try a walk in nature. 

The calming effect of being outside can make it much easier for those recovering from addiction to focus on their recovery journey. So, if you’re recovering from addiction, walking in nature is something that can be a powerful distraction. 

Connect With People You Love

The first thing you can do for yourself is to find a way to connect with people that make you happy. Calling your best friend and talking about your day may just be the antidote to what seems like insurmountable anxiety. 

Or how about joining in on an online community of recovery support? You’ll feel better knowing others are going through similar things as well, which will help lessen some of the shame associated with addiction or alcoholism.


When it’s time to take care of yourself, there are many ways you can do so. One way is by practicing healthy distractions for work and play that will help you be more mindful and present in the moment. With the tips above, you can start living life with less stress than ever before!

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