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Are We There Yet? The Ultimate Moving With Kids Checklist

Did you know that middle schoolers are more affected by moving homes than older or younger children?

It makes sense—middle schoolers are already facing the stress that comes with puberty. Moving homes only adds to that anxiety.

However, it doesn’t have to be stressful. With enough parental support and a solid plan, moving with kids can be nearly seamless.

We’re here to help you get started. Keep reading below for the ultimate guide on how to move with children!

Get an Early Start

Adults may be able to make snap decisions, but children require more time to process change. Successfully moving with kids begins with telling them about the move early on in the process.

Give the children time to wrap their heads around the news. Give them a chance to ease into the move by giving them a chance to plan paint for their new bedroom or taking them on a fun trip to your new neighborhood.

For really young children, use visual cues to signify your move. Use a picture book centered around moving to explain it to them in a more child-friendly way.

If your children are young, you’ll also have to explain that you aren’t getting rid of their toys as you pack them. Be sure to keep any comfort toys or plushies unpacked. Having them on hand can help alleviate a child’s anxiety on moving day.

Make Final Memories Together

Chronicle your final time in your old home by taking fun photos and spending time together. Give your children the chance to connect with their friends and teachers.

Extend your contact information to the parents of your children’s friends. The prospect of making new friends in a new neighborhood or school can be scary. Maintaining old friendships will act as a safety net for your children as they move.

If there’s anything you’ve always wanted to do in your old home or town, now’s the time to go for it. It will help to release some of the tension built up by moving, and it will also bring you closer together as a family as you prepare to move.

Work with Flexible Professionals

As you prepare to move, you’ll have to deal with a variety of professionals, from realtors to moving companies. It’s pertinent that you work with high-quality businesses to ensure a smooth move.

Flexibility is key when making choices. As a parent, you have to be prepared for the unexpected. Children can be unpredictable, so you’ll want to consider that when hiring professionals.

Look for professionals who are known for their flexibility when it comes to scheduling and availability. For example, some moving companies like Get Moving Geelong are open 7 days a week and available on short notice. This can be a massive selling point for parents juggling a move with children.

Ensure a Smooth Moving Day

Of course, you can’t prepare for everything. But it’s wise to do as much planning for the big moving day as possible.

Make sure you have enough snacks, activities, and comfort toys to keep your children at bay during the trip from the old house to the new house. This is especially important if your move will take you more than several hours.

If you’ll be staying elsewhere while professional movers transport your items, try to make it as stress-free as possible. Keeping your children comfortable and excited is the best way to ensure a successful move together.

Finding the Best Approach to Moving with Kids

Each family is unique, so each moving process will be unique too. However, the guide above will give you a rough outline of how to best approach moving with kids. With enough patience and guidance, you’ll have no trouble transitioning from one home to the next!

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