At Mom Elite we try to bring the best travel tips and healthy living advice to our readers. We believe in living a life full of fun and love. If you love creating unforgettable memories through travel and want to keep active and sane our blog might be the place for you.
Traveling is one of my favorite ways to create memories with my family. Through my blog, I share some of our favorite travel destinations. You will find some cool off-the-beaten-path places, camping tips, road trip tips and ways to save money on your vacation.
Healthy living is one of the cornerstones of our lifestyle. We believe that in order to live your best life and have fun in life you need to at least try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. That is why I write about fitness tips, meditation and yoga tips and even some healthy eating tips.
As our family continues to grow and change, so does our blog. That is why you will occasionally see changes in themes that we write about to reflect the changes in our lives. We hope that you will follow along with our journey and enjoy the ride.
About Cyndi
I am a mother, wife, web developer, blogger, business manager and business owner. I have an 10-year-old and almost 15 year old. I volunteer at the elementary and middle school. My children are in band, on the robotics team, play baseball and run on the cross country team. As a family, we like to travel, hike, camp and stay active in our community and church. Are you tired yet? I used to be. I used to run myself crazy until I found balance.
You’ve probably heard the saying, “You can’t pour from an empty glass.” Well, I found my glass was getting to be bone dry. Even though I would work out every morning and try to eat healthy, I still felt like I was missing something. My mind was never content. I was constantly overwhelmed. That’s when I found meditation.
Meditation along with regular exercise has been life-changing for me. Now that I have found meditation I want to spread the practice far and wide to busy parents just like me. Parents who feel like they couldn’t possibly find an extra 5 minutes in the day to sit quietly and meditate.
Blaze Pizza Knoxville Grand Opening: Free Pizza Passes!
Hi there,
I work with Blaze Pizza, a fast-casual pizza restaurant, and we’re excited to be opening a Knoxville, TN location on November 20!
I’ve been looking through your blog, and love your content and style!
We would like to invite you to join us at 113 N. Peters Road for our Grand Opening Day on 11/20, as well as our Free Pizza Day on 11/21!
In addition to that, we would love to offer you two free pizza passes so that you can come in anytime to try our pizza and let us know what you think! We welcome blog reviews, too!
If you’re not familiar with Blaze Pizza, we make custom 11-inch personal pizzas fresh with made-from-scratch dough. We have healthful, artisanal ingredients on the assembly line and you can custom build pies that range from inventive to classic. Your fresh personal pizza is then baked in our blazing hot oven for 180 seconds, fast-fire’d to crisp perfection.
For more information, please visit our website: http://www.blazepizza.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BlazePizza
Twitter: @BlazePizza
Let me know if you would like to take us up on the free pizza passes, reply with an address for mailing, and I will drop them in the mailbox for you ASAP!
We look forward to seeing you in the restaurant soon!
Dana D.
Blaze Pizza Team