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A Step Ahead of Memory Loss: 10 Early Signs of Alzheimer’s

While everyone forgets now and again, constant forgetfulness can be troubling. No one wants to hear they have Alzheimer’s disease, but early discovery is a must for protecting brain function. With this guide, individuals will learn about the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease so they take immediate action.  

What Is Alzheimer’s Disease? 

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive disease that destroys memories and important brain functions. As the disease progresses, important brain cells and their connections begin to degenerate and eventually die. While there is no cure, there are treatments that can help. With memory care services, Alzheimer’s patients can receive the care they need.  

10 Early Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease 

It is important to note a family history of the disease is not necessarily a determining factor for developing Alzheimer’s. Research has shown those who have a parent or sibling with the disease are more likely to develop dementia. The following are ten early warning signs a person may have Alzheimer’s disease.  

1. When memory loss begins to disrupt a person’s life, it is time to talk with a doctor. If a person is forgetting important information daily, they could be at risk for the disease.  

2. Individuals who have the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s may find it difficult to follow recipes they once knew or to budget their bills. Challenges in problem-solving are a common sign of the disease. 

3. A person who has this disease may discover they find it difficult to drive to a known location or follow simple directions. When daily familiar tasks become difficult to complete, a person needs to see their doctor.  

4. An individual who is living with Alzheimer’s may lose track of time and of dates. They may suddenly forget what year it is, or they may even forget where they are or how they got there.  

5. At times, vision problems can also be a sign of Alzheimer’s. Difficulty with visuals and spatial relationships can make driving and read difficult.  

6. A person may also suddenly develop a problem with speaking or writing. When these are new and come on suddenly, they need to be investigated.  

7. When a person is consistently misplacing things or having to retrace their steps, this could be a sign of early Alzheimer’s disease. It is important to have this sign investigated.  

8. Individuals may also make poor judgments. They may make wrong decisions or neglect important tasks, such as taking care of their car or forgetting to wash.  

9. If a person begins developing Alzheimer’s disease, they may withdraw from work, friends, and family. Avoiding social interaction is a common sign of the disease.  

10. Changes in mood and personality are also key signs of Alzheimer’s development. A person may become confused, overly suspicious, or even fearful.  

Dealing With Alzheimer’s Can Be Difficult 

When individuals learn they have Alzheimer’s disease, they can feel overwhelmed. It is frightening to learn about this diagnosis because of the unknown. Thankfully, there are medications and helpful services that can assist Alzheimer’s patients in living healthy and fulfilling lives.  


While most of the above signs can happen outside of Alzheimer’s disease, multiple signs should alert a person they need to be checked by their doctor. Although there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, there are treatments that can slow the progression and protect a person’s mental function.