Be the Entreprenuer You want to be1

Be the Entreprenuer You want to be1

Being an entrepreneur is hard work. Being a mom AND an entrepreneur is beyond tough. I think a lot of moms go into entrepreneurship because they want a lifestyle that allows them to spend more time with their family only to find out the exact opposite happens. As entrepreneurs, it is easy to do nothing but eat, sleep and breathe your business. The next thing you know this business you started to allow you to spend more time with your family has actually taken over your life. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

If you are experiencing any of these pains I’m here to tell you that you are not alone. I’m also here to give you some tips on dealing with some of the guilt that comes with being a mompreneur. Because the last thing moms need is one more thing to feel guilty about. Am I right?

  1. Take a least one day a week to unplug.

    When I say unplug I really mean unplug. No phone calls, emails, texting or learning that thing that you need to take your project to the next level. One way that is good for this is taking a day to go swim or go to the mountains. Just go somewhere where you literally can not use your phone. I promise it will be worth it to have that time unplugged with your family. Your business isn’t going to crash if you leave it unattended for one day.

  2. Know when to say no.

    As entrepreneurs, we have a tendency to want to take every opportunity we can get. Speaking from experience I can tell you that not all opportunities are worth the time and effort you will need to put into them. Keep in mind the goal and mission of your business. If an opportunity will not get you closer to that goal it might be best to say no thank you.

  3. Find hobbies for your kids that don’t bring you guilt if they end up in your office doing that hobby for 4 hours straight while you get some work done.

    I promise it won’t be the end of the world if they are doing something that they genuinely enjoy while you work.

  4. Cut yourself some slack.

    It’s taken me years to come to terms with the fact that I’m not that super crafty mom. And I’m not that mom that can fill up every hour of the summer with activities for my kids to keep them from getting bored. I am who I am and I’m doing the best job I can. Some days I get it right and other days not so much. I’ve had to learn to cut myself some slack on those days when I haven’t exactly earned my mom of the year badge and so do you. Your kids will love you for the unique mom that you are even on the bad days.

  5. Find a network of people to help you out.

    We all have days when we just can’t focus on work with the kids by our sides. Or we have meetings to attend. It’s always helpful to have a pool of friends and family to call on these days. I know I’ve probably worn out my phone calls for help this summer!

  6. Just breath and meditate.

    I’m serious about this one. And I need to take a dose of my own medicine. When I find myself getting stressed and overwhelmed meditation is a good way to calm myself.

  7. Exercise.

    I know, I know. Because you have so much free time. Working out everyday is seriously my sanity saver. If I don’t workout in the mornings my brain is like mush. If you are having a hard time with focus exercise will really help with this.

I hope some of you find this information helpful! And I would love to hear from my mompreneur friends out there. What are some of your survival tips? How do you keep from losing your mind?

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1 Comment

  1. This would be a great article for my girlfriend as she is a super busy real estate agent with 2 young children. She does have a good pool of friends and myself to help but I know she gets very overwhelmed sometime with the demand of work and the needs of her children. I think meditating is great advice and I tell her to try that all the time but she doesn’t know how to slow down enough to treat herself to 5 minutes to do this.

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