
5 Tips for Organizing Your Baby’s Belongings

5 Tips for Organizing Your Baby’s Belongings

Babies have a lot of things. There are toys, furniture, teethers, pacifiers, and all the clothes! Grabbing a diaper or toy in a pinch can become a challenge without a few tips for organizing your baby’s belongings. When everything doesn’t have a place, you’ll need to spend time digging around for it, and sometimes, a fussy baby is a ticking time bomb. Keep life with your little one a bit simpler with these must-know organization hacks.

Dedicate Clothing Space

Make the most out of your baby’s dresser by organizing clothes accordingly. For example, keep jammies in one drawer, day clothes in another, and onesies in one too. The same is true for your child’s closet; organize clothing according to the occasion. Additionally, make sure you go through clothes as your infant outgrows them. Babies grow fast, and you don’t want to waste space on outfits they can no longer wear.

Parenting Tip

As you go through your baby’s clothes, create two piles—one for items you can donate and the other for what you’d like to save. For example, some outfits may have sentimental value, and you may want to save others in case you have another child.

Invest in Storage Shelves

There are all sorts of cute storage shelves available online and in stores. Some of these even have cubbies where you can place small baskets. Furniture like this is a must-have for parents and gives everything a special place for safe storage. Consider purchasing different colored baskets for each type of item. For example, get a blue basket for teethers, a yellow one for stuffed animals, and an orange one for small educational toys. This makes it easier to clean up and find items to entertain your little one.

Keep the Essentials Somewhere Safe

Most babies have a favorite toy and beloved paci, and the last thing you want is to lose track of these items. Many parents have pacifier clips to keep the binky attached to their little one. Paci clips are safe as long as you remember they’re not toys; supervise your baby when they wear one. Also, dedicate a toy box or basket to your little one’s favorite playtime essentials and keep the items here every time you clean up.

Have a Diaper Caddy

Many parents have dipper bags or caddies for the times they go out with their baby, but you should also have one in the nursery. Consider purchasing a diaper caddy bag or rolling storage cart so you can keep spare diapers, baby lotion, wipes, sanitizer, and even some extra clothes within reach. Changing a squirming baby can get difficult, and you shouldn’t have to run to the closet to grab a diaper because there are none on the changing table.

Communicate the System

The final tip for organizing your baby’s belongings is to ensure everyone in your household knows where each item should go. This keeps everyone on the same page and prevents the risk of losing things. When everything has a place, the whole family can rest easy.

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