5 Decisions That Can Have A Massive Impact On Your Child’s Development

As a parent, it’s important to think about how your decisions can impact your child’s development in both negative and positive ways. Here are some key examples that you should keep in mind. 

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First, it’s important to think about how to discipline your child. You don’t want to be too strict but without any discipline, your child won’t have boundaries that they understand. This can lead to significant behavioral problems, particularly as they get older. If you are worried about how to discipline your child the right way, then it’s important to consult the guides of the experts. There are a lot of studies and reports that have explored the best way to discipline a child and ensure that they do understand right from wrong. 

Early School 

You might think that choices regarding early school don’t matter that much at all. Certainly, it’s not as important as later school options right? Wrong, because the early days of school can set the path for the rest of their journey through education. You need to make sure that they are comfortable with the preschool that you choose and that it helps fuel their creative energy. Ultimately, you should think about exploring a few different preschools like Goodrich Preschool to find the perfect choice for your child. If the first one you choose doesn’t provide the right fit, don’t be afraid to switch to a different option that could be more suitable for them. 


Next, you should think about what your child is eating. Even at an early age, your child’s diet can have a tremendous impact. This isn’t just about keeping them a healthy weight. Studies show that food is another thing that can impact a child’s mood and behavior. If you want to keep them happy and healthy then you need to think about how you can get their diet right. A key example would be ensuring that they drink enough water to keep them hydrated and provide a natural detox each day too. 

Tech Use

Tech is always going to be a key aspect of your child’s life. But you need to avoid the issue of a tech addiction. Studies do suggest that younger children are at risk of developing a tech addiction which could stumpt their development significantly. You might want to think about setting times for how long children can use tech each day to avoid this issue. 

Bedtime Environment 

Finally, it’s important to think carefully about how you set up the bedtime environment of your child. A lot of parents make the mistake of allowing tech in their child’s room and this is often a mistake. It can disrupt their sleep pattern completely, leading to issues with a lack of energy through the day. It can also disrupt their mood completely leading to some very irritating afternoons and evenings for you. This isn’t the only factor to consider when choosing their bedtime environment of course. You might also want to use blackout blinds to avoid the issue of light pollution too. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key choices that can have a tremendous impact on the development of your child. 

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