Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be overwhelming. It’s tough to strike a balance between eating well and a full-time job. And with a hectic schedule, making homemade food and juice, working out, and spending quality time with your partner may seem impossible. 

But with the right information and plan, you’d realize how simple living a healthy lifestyle is. Here are four tips for living a happier, healthier lifestyle. 

  1. Start Your Morning with a Glass of Water

Staying hydrated is great for your metabolism, skin, and energy levels. Drinking water on an empty stomach increases your red blood cell counts and boosts the oxygen levels received in the brain. An increase in oxygen creates alertness and improves energy to help you start your day rightly. 

Drinking water also cushions and lubricates your joints. It also helps in removing acid wastes that can build up in your body. Having a glass of water in the morning can help with joint pain, arthritis, and back pain. 

Water cleanses out your colon for easy absorption of minerals. The kidneys are also able to produce hormones, filter blood, and produce urine. 

  1. Protect Your Ears 

Once your hearing capability is damaged, it’s gone for good. Please don’t wait until it’s too late. It’s estimated that about 15% of Americans experience noise-induced hearing loss. 

Working in clubs, factories, concerts, and operating chainsaws can create dangerous levels of sounds. If you work in such setups, having earplugs becomes a necessity. 

NSAIDS like ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin may contribute to hearing loss. If you’re concerned that your working environment can affect your hearing ability, it’s advisable to seek help from a hearing healthcare provider. 

After the hearing test, your hearing care professional will take you through the hearing aid fitting and selection process. Don’t hesitate to book a hearing appointment. 

  1. Consume Less Sugar and Salt 

Exceeding the required amount of sodium puts you at risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease. You mostly get sodium through salt. Ensure you reduce sodium intake to 5g or less per day. 

Limit the amount of salt, fish sauce, seasonings, and other high-salted condiments from your meals to boost your overall health

On the other hand, high sugar intake increases tooth decay and makes you gain excess weight. In both children and adults, consuming less sugar has additional health benefits. Limit the sugar intake by avoiding candies, sugar-sweetened beverages, and sugary snacks. 

  1. Be Active 

Being active has a myriad of benefits to your health. Working out is the secret to better health and long life. It includes walking, jogging, climbing stairs, hiking, among other physical activities. 

Being active for at least 150 minutes of physical activity per work is a good start. You can gradually increase the level of intensity to about 300 minutes a week. 

Exercises help you shed extra pounds, fight disease, protect your bones, and ease back pain. Strength training enables you to gain balance and stability, which can prevent falls. 

The Bottom Line 

Choosing a healthy lifestyle is choosing a happy life. These are among the few tips that can help you enhance your overall well-being. Choose a few things that you actually enjoy. 

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