Going green is often easier said than done. From your grocery list to your wardrobe to the products on the bathroom counter, a lot of changes go into creating a more organic lifestyle. The results are worth the effort, though. When you fill your home and life with healthier, more sustainable options, you protect yourself, your family, and the wonderful planet you call home. Every little bit makes a difference. Start shifting your routine today with these easy ways to adopt a more organic lifestyle.
Take It One Step at a Time
You can’t change everything overnight. Try starting with a couple of basics instead. The next time you’re at the grocery store, think critically about what’s on your list. Look for fresh, local fruits and veggies and free-range eggs or meat. Better yet, try to find a local supplier to buy your produce from. As for non-food items such as clothing or beauty products, replace them slowly. Instead of throwing out everything you have, wait until an item runs out, and then take the steps to replace it with a natural, organic alternative.
Start Reading Ingredients
One of the best ways to adopt a more organic lifestyle is to simply become more aware of what you’re buying. Pay attention to nutrition labels and ingredients lists for the products you buy. Take your phone with you to the store so that you can research any ingredients you don’t recognize. This will also help you become more familiar with the organic alternatives—such as natural oils and antibacterial agents—that show up on ingredients lists for natural deodorants, moisturizers, soaps, and more. At the same time, you’ll learn which artificial or chemical additives you want to avoid. Once you learn your way around these labels, choosing foods and products that are full of healthy, natural ingredients will be easier.
Explore Local
It’s almost always easier to find natural, organic alternatives at local or family-owned businesses. Take a look around your neighborhood, and seek out your local farmer’s markets, restaurants, boutiques, and more. Shopping locally allows you to talk to the busines sowner about their specific ingredients and practices, which ensures you’re purchasing organic and ethical products. This also means your money will go straight into your own community, boosting your local economy. Plus, you never know what hidden treasures you’ll find when you start shopping in your own neighborhood.