
10 Years as a Mom


10 years ago today my life was forever changed. 10 years ago today I gave birth to my daughter. As I told her good night last night I couldn’t help but stare at her in shock and wonder how in the world I have a 10-year-old. How in the world have 10 years already gone by?! I’ve now been a mother for 10 solid years! Wow!!

Just like every year before I always sit back and reflect on the day that changed my life. I think about that beautiful moment when I held her little slippery body for the first time. The amazing pain that I went through to get to that point. The people who were with me by my side at that moment. The people who I didn’t know were just a few rooms over in that moment.

lisa ross

I’m very happy to say that I love my daughter’s birth story. I could sit and relive it in my mind time and time again and it never get old. For today, I will spare you all the details. But I will tell you all that I had an amazing natural water birth thanks to our wonderful local birth center, Lisa Ross Birth and Women’s Center. I’m not saying this to be all braggy mcbragpants here. I’m just saying this because I truly love our local birth center and still to this day believe not enough people know that birth centers are a resource for expecting moms. I only found out about the birth center by chance.

When I found out I was pregnant with my daughter I was terrified. I was young (only 24 years old). I was one of the first of my friends to have a baby. I didn’t know there were options out there. I just thought you go to the OB/GYN, go to the hospital, get your epidural and have the baby in a hospital bed with God only knows how many medical professionals in the room. Hell, I was ready to sign up for the epidural the moment I found out I was pregnant. When I was 20 weeks pregnant one of my husband’s friends told us about our local birth center. He encouraged me to at least drop by for a visit just to see what I thought. So I figured I would schedule my visit, but there is no way in HELL I’m going through with a natural childbirth. You see, at the birth center epidural is NOT an option.

A week later I visit the birth center and I fall in love. The place is just so peaceful. I visit all of the birthing rooms and I’m blown away at how nice they are. The midwives spent plenty of time answering all of my questions. I don’t feel like I’m just another patient to them. They actually WANT to get to know me. Even though I was still terrified of the pain of natural childbirth I decided to switch to the birth center. It was the best decision ever!

20 weeks later I go into labor at home. I spent most of my time laboring from the comfort of my own home. When the pain got to be too intense and my contractions were really close together my husband decided it was time to get me to the birth center. By the time I got to the birth center, I was already 6cm dilated. My labor went REALLY fast! My midwife got my birthing tub ready. I was in the birthing tub for maybe 45 minutes and then I started pushing. The water helped relax me so much during my labor that I only had to push 3 times.

baby sena

I will never forget that moment of holding my sweet little girl for the first time. Such a sweet, tender moment. Looking down in her at amazement that I created this little precious life. And then she sneezed on me. That first tiny, adorable little sneeze.

My daughter may be 10 years old now, but I will always remember that first little moment with her. She now has her very unique personality and opinions, but she will always in my eyes be my little baby girl.


Thank you to my wonderful midwife who was there by my side that morning to help get me through my first childbirth. Thank you to my husband for being by my side that morning and every moment since then. And thank you to my mom who didn’t pass out as she sat in the corner of the room in the fetal position terrified as I gave birth. And thank you to the rest of the family who sat 2 rooms away as I gave birth.