Touch 'n Sing

Touch 'n Sing

I was recently contacted by an application developer and asked to try out their app, Touch ‘n Sing. This fun app came recommended to ages 2-6. My 3 year old is constantly trying to steal our iPad and Nexus 7 so I figured I would give it a try to see how he liked it.

I installed the free app on my Nexus 7. With the free installation you get 3 free songs, The Alphabet Song, Hokey Pokey and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. The apps bright colors immediately held my sons attention. He favorite song by far (and mine as well) was the Alphabet Song. While the song plays in the background kids learn letters by matching them. The Hokey Pokey helps kids learn body parts and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star helps kids learn planets.

Touch 'n Sing

There are additional song packs you can download for a small fee. I downloaded the new Christmas pack for $1.99. The Christmas pack came with Jingle Bells, Joy to the World and We Wish You a Merry Christmas. My sons favorite from the Christmas pack was We Wish You a Merry Christmas. He loved matching shapes that fill up stockings.

My overall impression of the app is a positive one. When I first opened the app I thought it might be a little cheesy. Really it is just cheesy enough to hold my sons attention. The 8 year old finds it to be a bit “babyish” (those are her words). But the app is advertised as being geared for ages 2-6. I think once kids are in Kindergarten they will start to outgrow the app. The app is perfect for toddlers and preschool age children. Any app that will hold my sons attention and help him learn I’m happy with. This app does both. He even chooses this app over Angry Birds now!

This app is available for Android, Apple and Kindle users. Download them here:

Android Play Store



For more information about their app and additional song packs visit their web site. You can also find them on Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube and Facebook.

disclaimer:  I received a small compensation for additional song packs to review before writing this post.  I was not required to write a positive post.  All opinions are 100% my own and may differ from yours.

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  1. My kids would LOVE this! They’re always playing with the tablets & phones.

  2. looks like a great learning tool

  3. What a great way to entertain the kids while waiting somewhere. Wish I had this for my boys as we always play I spy instead.

  4. give them things like crayons, electronics if they are a bit older

  5. looks cute! 😀

  6. Coloring books are great, and also when the kids get a little older the brain teaser puzzles keep them busy for a while!

  7. My son is 13 now, but when he was younger, we made sure he took his Nintendo DS along with him when we went out to eat or on a trip. He’s had one since he was about 4 or so and still plays with his 3DS. Now he will mostly take his phone to keep him occupied, but sometimes will take the 3DS. Thanks for the info.

  8. bring a small toy!

  9. Luckily books do the trick! They love to read, so it’s perfect!

  10. my children are older now but I used to tell them if they were god and quiet we could come again and that would usually work,,if not I always had books on hand for them to sit and look at

  11. I try to engage them with games and stories.

  12. Bring a quite activity book with puzzles and stickers.

  13. My tip: Have rules and stick with them. Never bribe your kids to be good.

  14. Just try to keep them engaged with conversation and word games.

  15. I give them coloring books to keep them calm

  16. I don’t have kids, but I think I would bribe them.

  17. My wife usually brought toys and other distractions with us.

  18. My Youtube name that I followed with is: johnpaulthomas13. And I try to keep crayons, bubbles, small toys in my purse to keep kiddos calm. No blowing bubbles in a restaurant of course, but it helps a lot when we have to wait in the car while my husband runs into a store or something. Also for restaurants, I make sure we go somewhere that will have something to eat right away, either a buffet or a place that has bread/chips/something on the table. Kids are much more antsy when they are hungry and having to wait to eat! 🙂

  19. I love to tell stories and my kids love to hear them.

  20. I bring toys with me for them to play with

  21. Definitely practice reinforcement – promise a reward for good behavior, then deliver!

  22. My kids love games. We play hangman, dots, tic tag toe, etc. my littlest is content to trace my hand on the paper 🙂

  23. Crayons and paper/book…my child is 2 so we bring along the “puffs” or crackers also =)

  24. Its bad but cellphone with youtube keeps my son quiet and entertain.

  25. Let them watch Netflix on my phone

  26. Bring toys and games to keep them busy.

  27. My girls love to have paper and pencils/crayons it keeps them entertained

  28. It is always a pleasure to read your articles, sir. This was a problem that was really annoying app users. Thank u for sharing this valuable post.

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