Motherhood is filled with milestones, and they’re not all about the kids. The pages of baby books and photo albums don’t always acknowledge the changes a mother goes through while raising children from birth to adulthood. Recognizing these top motherhood milestone days and learning to cherish these changes as opportunities to recreate oneself as a woman and a mother are important aspects of a satisfying and happy life.
That Day You Feel Like Yourself Again
Maybe it’s that glorious night when you finally get a full night of sleep. It could be the day you go back to the salon or the first time you’re comfortable trusting a caregiver to watch your child so you can have a date night with your partner. Mothers often put everything ahead of themselves, but learning to care for yourself blesses your children and your partner with a balanced, healthier version of yourself.
Letting Go of the Gear
The day comes when you no longer leave the house with an enormous bag full of diapers, wipes, bottles, pacifiers, and toys. Your child gets too big for a stroller and learns to ride their own bike. Objects that embody transitions like this are hard to release, but doing so can bring joy, relief, and pride. You got them to this point, and they’ll only gain confidence as they grow.
School Days
The flock of parents on the first day of school, all trying to get that perfect photo on their phones, can add stress to that milestone motherhood day. Sure, take a picture, but don’t miss the moment by jockeying for the perfect shot. Experiencing that day, however your child reacts, will stay with you far longer than a snap of one moment in that mutual transition.
There are many more school-related transitions to come, including graduations and sending your children off to college, followed by even more graduations. Savor these as markers of parenting success.
Wedding Bells
Watching your child commit to another person as a fully grown adult, knowing all the challenges and changes a marriage can bring, is a deeply affecting experience. Sad yet liberating, and filled with anxiety but also joy, participating in the event highlights your role as a mother. Even selecting a mother of the bride dress or figuring out how to be a supportive mother of the groom can be bittersweet. You may remember the attention you received when your child was born, and now you gracefully step back to let them shine as they take their first step into partnered adulthood.
Another ending that is also a beginning, menopause means the end of giving birth to children. But it is also the beginning of a life free from the monthly cares of menstruation. This “change of life” is truly an entry into a new phase with new opportunities and fewer limitations.
Motherhood milestone days are as varied as children are unique. Embrace those days for the achievements and the opportunities they represent.