Technology has become such a big part of our lives, and it’s no surprise that children are taking to devices like iPhones and tablets with …
Why Technology Is Bound to Play a Role in the Future of Patient Safety
Within the healthcare system, patient safety is of paramount importance. Many hospital accidents could be entirely avoided with the proper safety precautions. With advances in …
6 Ideas To Make Your Amateur Photographs Stand Out
Understanding the basics of photography is an excellent first step towards creating better pictures and photographs that you’re proud to post on social media or …
How to Effectively Reduce Kids’ Screen Time and Increase Family Time
Image Pexels CC0 License Many parents are concerned their kids spend too much time using tech. Deciding how much screen time is acceptable is a …
The Price Of Privacy, How Safe Is Technology Really?
We are all concerned about internet privacy. Once upon a time it was limited to burglar alarms and car alarms, but today there are more …