My husband, yes my husband has been begging me to make homemade gummy bears for years. Gummy bears are his absolute favorite candy. The thought of making my own candy has always intimidated me. I’ve always thought the ingredients would be too hard to find or it would take too much time or make a huge mess. Let me tell you these homemade gummy bears are one of the easiest and most inexpensive things I’ve made. They only take 3 ingredients and about 15-20 minutes of work. That’s it! Ingredients: Non-flavored gelatin 1 small box of jell-o 1/2 cup of…
August is always a bittersweet month for me. This is the time of year when my daughter goes back to school and my son turns a year older. I often become reflective of the summer and wish I had taken more time away from technology and spent more face to face time with the kids. I think back to years ago when I gave birth to my son and the memories of his birth. We were lucky to have an amazing birth experience with both of our kids thanks to our local birth center. They have an phenomenal staff and…
The past few weeks I’ve been working full time as an IT director. This work has taken a significant amount of time away from my blogging. This work has also taken a significant time away from my kids. As I started thinking about this tonight I started to realize why I have my blog and why it’s so important that I keep my dream alive. Here lately all of the motivational sales articles and audiobooks I’ve been reading have a big focus on “finding your why”. Start With Why is one of the first audiobooks I listened to last year.…
Hey! I’m Emily and I’m a new blogger here at Mom Elite. I wanted to start out with just a simple introductory post. I have the privilege of being a full-time mommy to two beautiful babies: Jeremiah and Charleigh. Jeremiah (Miah) just turned 3 in June and Charleigh is 4 months. I was lucky enough to have two beautiful births. Miah was born at Lisa Ross Birth and Women’s Center and Charleigh was born at home in our bedroom with the help of a Certified Professional Midwife. Both of my births were wonderful, empowering experiences, that opened the door to…
Mom Elite Comes Out at Pridefest I have always considered myself to be an ally to my LGBTQ friends. My family and I always try to attend Pridefest in our hometown. To be a smaller city in a red state, our community sure knows how to throw a Pridefest. Pridefest starts with what I consider Pride Month. There are events all throughout the month that lead up to the festival. Lots of meetups, dinners out at local supporting restaurants, concerts, etc. The festival kicks off with a parade through downtown Knoxville. It is one of the most festive parades I’ve…