5 Way to Improve Your Wellness

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Sometimes it feels like the winter will never end, but then it does. The spring arrives and all of a sudden there is a new vitality in the air. Still, you might be experiencing some ongoing issues. Don’t let those go on any longer and slip into summer too. 

Spring is a great time to renew your wellness with a holistic therapy like acupuncture. Acupuncture is an ancient life science that resolves stresses and knots in your body by freeing up the energy centres. Following an acupuncture session you will be fully renewed. 

Singing Bowl Sound Therapy

If you don’t like the idea or feeling of little needles in your body – even if they are beneficial – there are plenty of other wellness therapies to bring back the joy and energy to your life. One excellent option is singing bowl sound therapy which is completely non-invasive. 

In a singing bowl sound therapy session you will lay in a comfortable position, face down or face up. Your therapist will play a range of singing bowls in a particular key to resonate with the frequency of your energy centres. Relax and feel the energy wash through you and resolve your body tensions. 

Chiropractor Back Work 

Sometimes we don’t know why we feel stressed in certain areas of the body, it can be something of a mystery and the only way to resolve the issue is to explore different lifestyle habits and wellness treatment options. One therapy worth your time is that of a chiropractor. They specialise in back and skeletal therapies. 

A Chiropractor will re-adjust your spine and improve the flexibility of your joints. You will be surprised by how effective and freeing this therapy is. You will also be shocked by how out of alignment you have been for so long. It’s likely you will book another session to 3nsure it doesn’t happen again. 

Deep Tissue Massage

The winter months is a time to get the head down and work. Of course there is also enjoyment and fun over this period, but generally there is less to do because of the darkness and bad weather. All of this accumulates in our systems and results in springtime aches and pains that we don’t the sources of. 

A deep tissue massage can help resolve some of the tension that’s built up. This is stress and tension that makes its way into the deep layers of muscle and can’t easily be resolved. Why not treat yourself this spring. 

Empowerment Healing

Empowerment healing works on the basis that many of our physical and emotional stresses and tensions have an unconscious cause. That’s not surprising when you consider that around 90% of our body functions unconsciously. With empowerment healing you can start to expose these route causes. 

A empowerment healer will use a variety of techniques and method to help you get in touch with your unconscious pain points. These may be difficult to resolve at time, but working with them is them best way to improve your wellbeing in the short and long term. 

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