3 Tips For Meditation For Beginners

3 Tips for meditation for beginnersI am officially hooked on meditation. I made a goal for myself to meditate every day in 2018. I’ve always known that meditation is something that I need in my life. I’ve just never made time for it or made it a priority, but I’m learning to do it from a site online, since I want to find the mind secrets and other powers of the mind.

There is a popular saying, “You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes everyday – unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour” ― Sukhraj S. Dhillon. I’ve finally stopped telling myself that I’m too busy to meditate and I’ve started making time for it. Just like I never skip a workout, I’ve decided I’m not going to miss a meditation session.


So far I am 2 weeks into my meditation practice. And it really is practice. I started out just meditating for a few minutes, 5 at the most. I’ve managed to work my way up to 10-minute meditation sessions now.

Here are a few things that are helping me with my meditation practice:


  1. Getting My Family Involved

    My kids and husband aren’t always going to want to meditate with me. I’m totally ok with that. But by giving them the option to meditate with me, I’m not only giving them an invitation to join me. I’m giving them the option to opt out with the understanding that this is my time and to give me the quiet time that I need.
  2. Go to a meditation class

    My first week of my meditation practice I found out about a 4-week meditation class that is donation based. Talk about good timing. I signed up for the class and have already attended my first class. During this first class, I have already set goals for myself, been given a mantra to meditate on and found a fantastic instructor and classmates to go on this journey with.
  3. Meditate to music

    There are tons of free Youtube videos and songs available to meditate. Before going to my meditation class I would go through guided meditations. They are a really good place to start if you tend to have a wandering mind. Now that I’ve attended my first class and have a mantra to focus on, I’ve found that meditating to music is amazing.

I can’t wait to see where this journey takes me. So far I’ve gone from only being able to meditate for a few minutes to having 2 10 minute meditation sessions a day. I’ll keep everyone posted on my progress and benefits I notice along the way. So far I’ve noticed a drastic increase in my mood and ability to deal with stress.

Are any of my readers meditation gurus? Do you have any tips for a beginner meditator?

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